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Hey There! I’m Rochelle Greayer. 



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I’m a garden designer on tv and IRL. I’m also an author and entrepreneur who thinks she can save the world by teaching everyone a little something about landscape design.

My Morels

May 12, 2011

I just checked my Voice mail and received a message I had been waiting for.  It regards the giant mushrooms that up until about 20 minutes ago were growing along side my front walk.   It was from Gerry, my neighbor who is a mushroom hunter and orchid expert.  I babysat his orchids while he spent the winter in Mexico and Colorado  and in return he is gifted me back some baby orchids and clivia with a bonus bag of dahlia tubers.   It’s a good deal.  Anyway, while were conducting the seasonal switch,  we noticed the fungii.

morel mushrooms harvested in studio 'g' garden

Gerry’s message says (in his heavy Czech accent) —  “These are REAL (as opposed to false morels), but if you haven’t got the GUTS to eat them, call me and I will come get them”

“GUTS?”  I feel like I am being taunted by the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger….yeah I got the ‘GUTS‘, Gerry (now that you have done the research for me).

What kind of throwdown is this?  I TRUST you.   I am going to make Sauteed Morel Mushrooms and Fresh Fava Beans with Creme Fraiche.

And if you find me dead, blame Gerry.

I’m curious, would you eat them?

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  1. DorkyDeb says:

    They are very common and popular here in West Virginia. I’ve hunted for them with family many times and eaten them many times growing up. Most people here make them fried in a pan. Most people here slice them into roundish slices, flour, salt, and fry them in a shallow pan with a little bit of butter. Flipping them with a fork to cook them. They taste good.

    These days my food allergies are a mess, so I wouldn’t eat the dish for that reason. But otherwise, yes I would and have eaten them. They are quite good when cooked well. I can’t imagine pairing their taste with Creme Fraiche and Fava beans.
    But…. everyone’s tastes are different. 🙂
    Regardless, yes, I would try them. They are good.

  2. plantingoaks says:

    Well, I ate the ones in my yard for the first time this year and they were delicious, so I guess that’s a yes.

    According to the great internet, morels are pretty distinctive, so I wasn’t *too* worried.

  3. laguna dirt says:

    that’s funny! i bet they are yummy. if you do perish, what a delicious way to go! ; )

  4. Stephanie Miller says:

    Yes! ..and would love your recipe for Fava Beans as our plants are looking mighty pretty at the moment!

  5. cice says:

    we have them in our backyard growing under our giant white pine too. we used to pick them but they just are not that tasty. they take on any flavor you put with them. kind of like tofu, and there just isnt enough for the whole gang. hope you find them interesting and report back on what you think of them. love your blog.

  6. erin says:

    Morel hunting is very common in Wisconsin and we all love to search for them! Last year my husband an I found close to 3 pounds in our yard. This year, we’re not having the best luck. Oh well, our season has only just begun!

    I have to admit, though…While we both love all sorts of mushrooms, these ones are our least favorite tasting. We mostly love the thrill of the find!

  7. linda Walter says:

    Wow Grandma Krause would die for morel mushrooms. We use to look for them every spring around the places that we burned brush on the Spring Creek. What a find. Freeze some for us so when we come see you again we can have scrambled egges and morels Mom

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