
Mosquito Bracelets

April 2, 2009

I will try anything….

I grew up in Colorado and we ate outside every night in the summer.  This might be the #1 thing that I miss about Denver — the outdoor lifestyle that was simple, easy and comfortably bug free.   Here in the Northeast, things are a bit different.   To be honest, I think it affects the design industry.  People have screened porches (often the ugliest architectural cankers on an otherwise nice home) that they feel forced to retreat to.   I can understand it, but I hate it.

There are many a very expensive and questionable device to deal with the issue, but I have yet to see a hands down winner in the market…most have a major drawback.  (mostly price…)   But I am hopeful about these.   Has anyone tried them?   For a couple bucks each I want to buy boxes full and put them in beautiful bowls at the entrance to my garden so that when friends come to visit, they can dawn the garden jewelry so to speak and be comfortable.   Maybe I could make it ceremonial…it could be like a lei when you go to Hawaii.  Or like the key bowl…pass it around and take as  many as you want.   I am wishing that there were necklace lengths…I mean really, is there anything more annoying than bugs in your face?  But I will take the bracelets for now and let you know what I think.

bug off braclets mosquito control

They are available from Northline Express.

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  1. Genevieve says:

    Rochelle, I’ve had pretty good luck with an organic product that is a little sticky patch with plant oils like lemongrass. Using two seems to keep them about 3′ off.

    I also spritz myself with Burt’s Bees repellent or any other natural bug spray with plant oils in it. I’ve read really scary things about non-organic bug sprays and my experience working outdoors is that they aren’t any more effective than the organic stuff.

    I don’t know what ingredients are in these bracelets but they sure are cute!

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