
Happy (Belated) Solstice!

December 22, 2009

Such an odd day I had yesterday.  Yesterday was the solstice, making it the shortest day of year  – happily every new day will be a little bit brighter from now until June.  I think metaphorically, this change is just what I needed to exit a little funk I have been in for a least a month now.

Serpent Mound Logo peebles ohio

I have been planning to sit down with myself and have a planning session before New Years – a time when I can review what I have been doing so that I can set out my new years resolutions, plans and goals.  I think that setting aside some time for this will spark me up.  But somehow as I moved through my day, I had this sensation that my new year really should start yesterday rather than January 1st.  Yesterday, I found myself suddenly energized and re-invigorated creatively, and I have no explanation for it at all.  I am thinking I might find the calendar of nature more relevant to my life than the Gregorian calendar.

arial view of serpent mound prehistoric site in pebbles ohio

As an aside, thinking about the solstice and a bit of cruising brought me to Serpent Mound near Peebles, Ohio.    Have you been to this place? It is the largest surviving example of a prehistoric effigy mound in the world.  It is in the shape of a huge serpent with the mouth oriented to the sunset of the summer solstice and the coils to the winter solstice sunrise.  I was so interested to read about its mysteries and realize that this fascinating ancient place, right here in the USA, is the landscape of an unknown people.   I must visit.  It is in the application stages of becoming a UNESCO world heritage site and you can help out.

serpent mound effigy site in ohio

The past year has brought so many changes to the landscape of all our lives.  For me, I feel most affected by the economy and the impacts it has on my design business, as well as personal changes and the natural evolution of my career.   My children are a year older and a little easier and I am starting to think about taking on projects I would have shied away from when they were younger.   I also had the opportunity to try projects I would like to do more of and some that I will never do again. Generally, I feel like I need to hone my focus.   I look forward to growing this site and it’s impact and I look forward to writing more and becoming a better writer.  I want to choose away from certain types of projects and clients and towards others.   I am interested in trying new things and continuing to evolve my career down new paths.   I still need to nail down some specifics but  I am certainly thinking in directions  that I would not have a year ago.  What about you?  Are you re-examining your life for 2010?  What are some of your resolutions?  Are you feeling more optimistic about 2010 that about 2009?  Are you making changes?  I would love to hear where you are.

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  1. how it grows says:

    I’d love to visit that serpent’s mound!

  2. I really like the idea of making new years goals and resolutions on the winter solstice. I think I’ll play catchup and do the same. great idea.

    I will also look into serpent mound. I’m in kentucky a state away.

  3. Rochelle,
    I am constantly rethinking and refocusing especially since this is my second career and I always want to be doing what I love. But sometimes I also get into a funk – so I know what you mean. I just want to tell you how fabulous your blog is and I love what you put up daily. It is always inspiring and I look forward to your posts and find it a unique voice in the garden design world. So I hope you are thinking about this and how to grow it even further. Happy holidays and good luck in 2010! By the way – that serpent Mound is awesome. It makes me think of Maya Lin’s new Wavefield at Stormking which I must go and see becuase I doubt I will get to Ohio sometime soon :->

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