
Urban Herb Wall Garden

February 17, 2010

urban herb garden wall garden vertical garden

I am pleased to introduce you to an interesting site called living wall art.  Gavin who maintains this site chronicles all sorts of vertical planting wall installations, tools, ideas and materials.   I particularly like this one called the “Urb Garden” .   It was designed my Xavier Calluaud and though it is not yet available to buy, I think it will be very appealing for city gardeners when it hits the market.  It employs drip watering, worms and compost to provide fresh edible plants.

urb garden urban herb garden wall garden vertical garden
urb garden urban herb garden wall garden vertical garden

It’s made from HDPE which is easily recycled and fully weather resistant. Food scraps are placed into the worm farm which produces liquid fertilizer. Water is then added to the fertilizer and the liquid is pumped up to a holding tank.  From there it drips down through the growing pods and drains back to the tank to be recycled through the system. The potting mix can be refreshed with castings from the worm farm before replanting. So clever!

urb garden urban herb garden wall garden vertical garden

I am so excited to see such interest in product development for urban gardeners.  And this design actually lends itself quite well to an interesting modern garden don’t you think? A whole wall of them would be very attractive.

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  1. Matti says:

    Great design that you can pull them out for easier maintenance and changing out plants as needed.


  2. private says:

    Why are the plants so enclosed? like peeping out of rabbit cages. I wonder if this enables a broader or different variety of plants than planting in felt pockets or pots hanging on a grid. I wonder if you could build a living wall with old mattress bedsprings.

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