
There are Things Awry Here

December 8, 2010

I am terribly light on the posting and I am sorry for that.  I am trying to get my ducks in order for the holidays as well as organize what feels like an epic shift in my own career focus.   I have decided to pare down my work in some areas in order to ramp it up in others.  The long and short, I have recently handed off many of my clients to other designers and am not planning to take on new ones.  I am still working on the historical garden restoration project that I have mentioned so many times, but I have largely decided to not take on new residential or commercial work for the time being.  Why? because I want to write more and see what happens when I put my focus elsewhere. Like here.

there are things awry here lia purpura orion magazine

I have a huge desire to evolve this site to share more gardens and landscapes and design inspiration. But also to foster a greater enthusiasm for getting in touch with the land and nature and living in a conscientious, green, reverent and beautifully seasonal way.  What I am getting at is proving to be a lot to put into words at the moment, but I read this article today in Orion magazine called There are Things Awry Here by Lia Purpura and I found her words to be particularly resonant.

I would highly recommend taking a read (click this link) — I found the story a little gut wrenching.  I am very curious to hear what you think of it. It is really capturing what I want to talk about a bit more.  Ways for us all to look at our land, our greatest resource, a little differently, to celebrate it, its uniqueness, its history, its beauty, and it’s ability to nurture us and bring us together.   I think that is what our gardens can and should be all about.

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  1. VG says:

    I am excited about your transition and would like to encourage you in this fascinating new direction.

  2. I’d like to hear about how this is going. I’m still focused on doing design work, but have been taking the time between projects to focus on other areas of interest (yep – writing among other things). Keep us posted!! 🙂

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